Knolly Bikes

Knolly Bikes

Dream Machine Knolly Bikes Identity | Marcom | Website Knolly Bikes was born from a passion to make the world’s best mountain bikes. Before it became the all conquering brand it is today, Noel Buckley worked with Italic Pixel Design to bring his dream to...
BC Egg Website

BC Egg Website

Sunny Side Up BC Egg Site Architecture | Website Design BC Egg is a non-profit organization that oversees and manages the province’s egg farming industry. It’s been protecting the BC Egg Industry for over four decades. With a renewed focus on increasing transparency...


Fast Food QuickCanteen Identity | MarCom | Web Design QuickCanteen was a collaboration between my buddy Adrian and I way back in 2011. The business was built on an existing e-commerce restaurant platform that we would apply branding, sign up restaurant partners and...


The dump truck that could. 1800-GOT-JUNK? MarCom | Graphic Standards Manual | Website In 2005 Italic Pixel Design was working with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? to produce its marketing and advertising materials for all of Canada. As the company pushed into additional markets it...
Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival

Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival

The wine world is here Vancouver Playhouse International Wine Festival Website | Event Space Design One of my favourite projects of all time started off with a humble rework of the “Playhouse” website. Working within the parameters of an existing and rigid...